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杨峰 副教授 博士

2019年04月10日  浏览量: 2406 次  来源: 教师教育学院  作者:   发布: 教师教育学院













1. Li, M., Yang, F., & Han, Y. (2022). More power more warmth: The enhancing effect of power on the perceived warmth about high-power individuals under Chinese culture [J]. Frontiers in Psychology (Accepted Manuscript).

2. Li, M., Yang, F., & Waheed, A. M. (2022). Responsible Leadership Effect on Career Success: The Role of Work Engagement and Self-Enhancement Motives in the Education Sector [J]. Frontiers In Psychology, 13, e756099 (SSCI).

3. Yang, F., Han, Y., & Li, M. (2021). If you believe, it may come true: The relationship and mechanism between self-occupation stereotypes of private kindergarten teachers and their turnover intention in China-Mainland [J]. Frontiers In Psychology, 12, e756099 (SSCI).

4. 杨峰,李闽燕. (2021). 民办幼儿园的职业刻板与离职倾向:个人控制感的中介作用[J]. 科教导刊(电子版), 20, 87-89.

5. 方永超, 王美芳, 杨峰, 史文凤. (2020). 知觉者与行为者贫富对自发特质推理的影响[J]. 心理科学, 43(5), 1162-1168 (CSSCI).

6. Yang, F., & Wang, M. (2016). Do bosses and subordinates make spontaneous trait inferences equally often? The effects of power on spontaneous trait inferences [J]. Social Cognition, 34(4), 271–285 (SSCI).

7. Shi, W., Yang, F., Xia, J., & Wang, M. (2019). Differentiating the effects of anger and sadness: A perspective of spontaneous trait inference [J]. International Journal of Psychology, 54(4), 487–494 (SSCI) .

8. Wang, M., & Yang, F. (2017). The malleability of stereotype effects on spontaneous trait inferences: The moderating role of perceivers’ power [J]. Social Psychology, 48(1), 3–18.

9. Wang, M., Xia, J., & Yang, F. (2015). Flexibility oF spontaneous trait inFerences: the interactive eFFects oF mood and gender stereotypes [J]. Social Cognition, 33(4), 345–358 (SSCI).

10. Wang, M., Yan, B., Yang, F., & Zhao Y. (2018). The development of spontaneous trait inferences about the actor and spontaneous trait transferences about the informant: Evidence from children aged 8–13 years [J]. Inernational Journal of Psychology, 53(4), 269–277.

11. Wang, M., Zhao, Y., Li, Q., & Yang, F. (2016). The effects of mood on spontaneous trait inferences about the actor: Evidence from Chinese undergraduates [J]. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 57(3), 250–255 (SSCI).

12. 彭修平,杨峰,颜丙淦,王美芳. (2016). 儿童性别角色量表中文版测量学分析[J]. 中国临床心理学杂志, 24(1), 95-99 (CSSCI).

13. 王美芳, 杨峰, 顾吉有, 闫秀梅. (2015). 反刻板印象对内隐性别刻板印象的影响:情绪的调节作用[J]. 中国临床心理学杂志, 23(3), 426-430 (CSSCI).

14. 王美芳, 杨峰, 杨云云. (2013). 儿童对能力和热情特质的认识[J]. 中国临床心理学杂志, 21(6), 897-900 (CSSCI).

15. 杨峰, 李秀丽, 王美芳. (2014). 不同特质信息条件下儿童特质推理的比较[J].中国临床心理学杂志, 22(2), 329-333 (CSSCI).